
This portfolio includes links to lessons I have taught and materials I have created.

Sample lessons I've taught:

Summer School - Ocean Week
  • In my ABA Preschool class, we studied the ocean. We learned about all different animals that live in the ocean and tested different objects to see if they would float or sink in the water.

Summer School - Science Week
  • Science is how we learn about the world. We spent the week asking questions, making guesses, and testing out our guesses to find the answers.

Social Studies - Culture - What is my culture? (Second Grade)
  • Our compelling question was "How does culture make us the same and different?". To explore this, we first had to define culture. Each student then wrote about and discussed their own culture using a graphic organizer.

Social Studies - Culture - Comparing cultures (Preschool)
  • We read a book about a girl going to school in Tanzania, then compared our school and hers. After learning about their culture, we wrote a letter to a preschool in Tanzania.

Classroom Management:

Bee-havior Management Cards (Second Grade)


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