Volunteer Work

Camp Sunrise
Camp Sunrise is a camp for students 3-21 with a range of disabilities. As a volunteer, I worked both one-on-one and in a larger group setting with children of all ages. We would arrange games, attend field trips, and take daily trips to the pool with campers, providing whatever level support they needed to have a successful and fun camp experience.

Puentes al Futuro
I worked with staff from Eastern Connecticut State University's Center for Community Engagement on a program called "Puentes al Futuro" (Bridges to the Future). This program provided a safe place for Windham High School students to spend their afternoons, complete homework, and get dinner. My role would range depending on the students attending, but included tutoring students (Dual Language Learners whose primary language was Spanish), providing homework help, and acting as a mentor, encouraging students to further their education. I often spoke with students about college - giving ways to find scholarships, how to decide on a major, and tips for transitioning. This often lead to me sharing my own story of how I came to find scholarships and attend Eastern, and I was able to talk about my experience as a minority student.

Connecticut Community Center for Addiction and Recovery (CCAR)
I worked with community members who are recovering from addiction, helping them apply for jobs, look for homes, etc. This often required me to work in Spanish with residents, translating job applications and such.

The Connecticut Community Center for Addiction and Recovery strives to “put a positive face on recovery” by connecting Eastern students to local residents who are recovering from a life altering drug and/or alcohol addiction. Students have the opportunity to assist CCAR members in applying for jobs, building their resume, practicing interviewing skills, etc. Additionally, students will be able to lead workshops that apply to his or her major.  - http://www.easternct.edu/cce/elderly-and-special-populations/
A video about CCAR can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3yk0NvFPEA


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