Bee-havior Management

Originally posted on

Behavior management can often be one of the most difficult parts of teaching, so I created a system to help my kids keep their behavior on track.

After attending a professional development session on PD Day 3 about school-wide behavior management, I spoke with my teacher about what we wanted to do in our classroom. She's been teaching for years, so she had plenty of ideas but was great about letting me give input and including me in the conversation.
We discussed the expectations set up for the whole school (see my notes below) and how we wanted to tackle behavior in the classroom.

Each class was tasked with creating a list of rules with their students and bringing it to the first school-wide assembly. We did this by talking about our three main rules (be smart, kind and safe) and what those mean/look like.

All of this being said, I wanted to do something specific to our classroom, so I made these little coupons that were given out when a student was doing something extra amazing. We also used them in our "secret student" thing we did, but basically if we saw a student helping a friend or doing something extra awesome, they got a card with a little note from me on the back (just a quick "great job cleaning up!" or "you worked hard in writing today!") about why they got it.

Overall, it was a great incentive to get the kids watching their own (and others' behavior) and my teacher still uses it now that I've left!

What system do you use to manage your classroom? Let me know @partstudentpartteacher :)
To download my bee-havior management cards, click here.

Thanks for reading! Want to see more of my classroom management? Let me know!
Miss Dominguez


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